It's funny, being an anxious introvert, how much just a few days can take me down to where I'm just exhausted. This morning is no exception. We went away to some friends' hometown for the weekend to enjoy a surprise birthday party and a weekend of 'summer fest' fun. Most of what was happening was drinking and dancing, laughing with their family and friends, and generally having a good time. No pool to be found, although we were told there would be... silly little communication breakdown, but I was jazzed to sit by a pool and enjoy the sun and water. Oh well.
Memories are often made on excursions like this one... and this weekend was no exception. We went into town to hear a band play at a local bar, because the birthday girl really loves doing that during 'summer fest'. We got into it, it was amusing to say the least, but one of our cohorts was a little past the point of no return even as we headed out to town. From there, it was all downhill for him. Town was about 2 miles away from where we stayed, and the taxi services in town were minimal. Once 3 a.m. hit, there was no way of getting back except by hoofing it. Ah, good times! Meanwhile, our friend who was beyond himself needed to get home as well, but wasn't intending on going back to where we were staying. He lives in the other direction. Well, he had to come with us, and we had to walk... so, off we went... dragging our companion with us as he stumbled along with one of the guys in our pack trying to keep him upright. I was not amused. It takes a lot for me to get angry but I was, and it wasn't pretty. We got past the four cops who had pulled over a girl and was giving her a sobriety test... thank goodness... but as we continued on, the task multiplied. Our friend had flip flops on, and every three or four steps he tried to take, one or both of his flops flew off his feet. It was funny as I look back, but what a chore trying to get him home! At one point the 90 pound girl trying to help this 240 pound dead weight drunk took the helm in aiding his walk along the side of a very dark road. Three steps in, and both of them fell to the ground... he tossed her like a rag doll, and ended up on his back. Both were fine, laughing uncontrollably, but she figured out fast that she couldn't help the rest of us with the challenge. She ended up sprinting ahead to get the car, and we all wound up having only to walk about half the distance we faced. It was quite a mess, all things considered, and he remembered none of it. I laughed at the sight of his flip flops the next day, because they were all scuffed and worn from the beating they took during our walk. Ah memories!
Overall, it was a great time, and we had fun. Met some nice people, and enjoyed the time. Sometimes it's good to get away and do something different, and this was exactly that... However, I've had my fill of 'doing something different' for a bit, and am quite content sitting at home writing and trying to get the house put back together.
Summer is a time of fun and folly, for sure. I enjoy the summer and all that it has to offer... the heat I could do without - being near 90 all this week isn't sounding so great. I may just get a little white trashy and put a kiddie pool out on the deck for myself to sit in and cool off. :) Maybe.
It works!