Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I watched the president last night, AND the speaker of the house with his 'retort'... and have to say that even though I'm not a republican or a democrat, I can see the problems with having only two major parties in charge of things. I doubt it will ever end, and there will always be the plethora of underlying reasons why senators and congresspeople do what they do. They make promises to groups and get extra 'incentives' for leaning in their direction. They throw things into bills that don't belong there, and don't have anything to do with the bill itself, just to get an underhanded/dirty backdoor law in place where lobbyists and large corporations can get away with more, pay less taxes, extend their underhanded practices, etc. I don't like how human nature and greed has overcome our governmental system. It's been a mess for decades, and there's nothing that I've seen lately that has changed that. I have faith in the president. I believe he wants bigger changes than he is capable of winning. I can see where he stands, and what he wants to do... it makes sense to me, but then that's just me.

Entitlements seems like such a bad word for what it represents. I myself, and my family members have been part of these entitlements, and I know for a fact that my mother and father worked hard for what my mother now receives on a monthly basis. She can't get by without it, nor should she have to. Social security was supposed to be a protected fund, not allowed to be touched or used for any other purpose than what it was initially intended for. Yet, here we are. Medicaid and Medicare fraud runs rampant, and the laws and loopholes are such that allow doctors to fraud the system, individuals to rape the system due to their dishonest behaviors. It's sick, but I can see how a free country like ours can be taken advantage of. It's easy... easier than working for a living. Welfare should not be an 'entitlement', but social security and medical coverage should be. You can't help your illnesses sometimes... you can't help getting older. You put into the pot, year after year, and you expect that, after all the years of service/work that you'll be able to live decently after you can't work anymore, or stop working due to age... I know I'm missing a lot of it, and if my friend Vinessa reads this, she may clue me into some of what I don't know...

What I do know is that the Lord reigns over this earth. He knows what's going on, down to the last, the least, and the lost. He sees. I trust He won't allow for the faithful, who trust in Him for their every day, to suffer due to the lack of morality and ethical standings of the people in charge. All I can do is pray that He will care for us. He promises that in the bible... and I trust in His promises.

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