Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Trouble with Suicide

Today I've been heavily contemplating the power that we have over ourselves... our very lives. We take it for granted at times. And, at times, we come face to face with a life altering or life threatening issue where our perceptions on the subject can change drastically. I've had those moments of clarity in life... and today my mind has been dwelling on the loss of life.

Yesterday I spent some quality time with my good friends, and we had a great time together. Our conversations seemed to be on the morbid - people we know and care about with cancer, and people we know of and loved who have taken their lives. I was stunned to hear that a wonderful professor I had in college who had died last year, had actually taken his own life. I guess I felt at the moment that I didn't need to know that about him... that really hit me hard. Knowing his belief in Christ, and his faithful walk during his time here caused me to struggle with the idea that his life could have been that of such utter desperation and depression that he chose to end it. He was about the same age as Robin Williams, who yesterday was found dead, presumably by his own hand. Those two things compounded my reality and my thoughts about suicide.

I have had plenty of suicidal thoughts, and I have many people with whom I have had friendships who have also struggled with these bouts of depression and despair. I know of parents who have lost children to these struggles. No one can truly know why someone decides to take their own life... it's bound up within their own minds and hearts. Outside influences to these people end up not meaning much of anything, because their inner turmoil takes control of their entire existence. My mother often says that suicide is a selfish act, because of what the person leaves behind for loved ones to deal with, and grieve over. I see that perspective, but I also know that inner turmoil for myself, and I can imagine there are points in a life when hope is lost, no matter what you've lived, believed, or expect for the future. The bible says this
 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 [Full Chapter]
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

Most of who I have discussed these things with have reflected on the bible, and have wondered what it REALLY SAYS about suicide. I was always taught that suicide won't get you to heaven, because God gave us life, and He alone is who can take it away. That we were paid for with the price of Christ, and that our bodies are temples. All that has been manipulated into a fear tactic for Christians to adhere to. It's what has kept any number of people from committing the act to end their life. Maybe that's not a bad thing either.

I listen to a minister on the radio named John MacArthur who admits that, if a person is saved, truly saved, and knows Christ in an intimate way, that because of their genetic make up or whatever it is that takes them down so far as to contemplate taking their own lives, that they will not be denied entrance into heaven. They have known the power of life through Christ, and have just had too much of the world to stay any longer. That speaks volumes to me. I realize that with Christ there is always a way... but not everyone sees it that way.

I feel for the families of the people left behind, but I also know that sincere yearning for being with Christ, and out of this world. Who wouldn't want to be in heaven? No more tears... no more hate, murder, burdens, struggle and strife. Sometimes our lives are only filled with the negative. The strength to get up in the morning is only due to Christ some days. And some days, that strength just isn't there.

Pray for the loss of life... it wasn't easy for them to choose that path, and hopefully God's boundless mercy cradles those who have made that choice. One can only hope.

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