Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Loss of Pets

I should have written when my friend Lance had to put his dog of 16 years down a month ago, but it goes without saying that no matter what, pets are a member of the family, and their loss is an emotional hit that can devastate. One thing I am, if nothing else, is an animal lover and activist. I speak for those who can't speak for themselves, and love doing it. I would do anything possible, legal or no, if there was an animal in danger. The devastation of last week's loss in Ohio made me so sick to my stomach - to think that someone could just excuse themselves from their responsibilities of so many endangered animals is beyond me. I would have shot that guy myself. Seriously.

In any case, my friends lost their great dane today, and it hurts them as well as their family. They loved that dog to no end, and his life was short and difficult medically. I haven't known the loss in a long time, but dread the day when that becomes my situation. I know not everyone puts their heart and soul into pets - let's be honest. There are plenty of people who I advocate against who don't see their value. This family is different, as were Lance and John. I hate their sadness and wish they didn't have to go through it.

I know there's a place for me in this realm as a calling, but I haven't found it yet... but you'd better bet that when I find that calling, you'll hear my name. You'll know what I'm doing, and you'll applaud me for what I'm doing. To stand up for the helpless is one of the most selfless things someone can do. Some stand for children, I stand for animals. They're both valuable standings... so stay tuned. There will be a day.

Love your pets. Remember people who grieve. Be more in helping the helpless. You won't be sorry.


  1. When we had to put Newman down my little girl showed me what it is to love without thought for yourself. Newman laid in Jon's truck and our vet was kind enough to come outside and administer the shot out there, he was surrounded by the smells and sights of his family. After Dr. M gave him his shot my girl took his face in her hands and rubbed his ears and talked to him until his eyes closed for the last time. She never faltered until he was gone, his last memory is of her sweet voice and her gentle touch, the same as he had always known.

  2. Thanks Lisa - that's a great story. I won't forget it. It's people like you who make it easier to stand and fight against the negative.

  3. are you male or female
