I must say, the west coast is lovely... all the time... and coming back to a cold and dismal rainy weekend isn't exactly spectacular in my book. But, I digress. Going to SD wasn't my idea - it was Ben's. He thought it was important for me to get away for just a little while. After going, I agree whole heartedly. I can see myself living there - but the road blocks to that are daunting. Home sales, moving, job finding (sigh), and no connections aside from a few computer gurus that Ben would be working with. The weather is the only thing calling my name anymore, now that the zoo was such a major fail.
Yes, my heart was ready to see things I'd never seen before. Experience things I'd never done before... and the first day there, I definitely did. I honestly had such high hopes for the SD zoo - all that I'd read about their work with saving the panda population, keeping such a magnificent facility as to being the best zoo in the country (rankings on several google'd sites)... my heart was ready. To top it off, a position available - with elephants! How was this not a gift of the Lord? I'd been so parched for a word from God on what my life's path might be... I was ready for this to be His answer. It wasn't. The door was shut straight away in my face as I asked about the position at the HR department when I first arrived. Fail number one. Then, deciding that I'd paid my ticket to see the zoo already, I was anxious to see all the splendor that this place would have. How well the animals were kept, the spacious and lush environments made carefully and specifically for each individual animal species they cared for. Fail number two. As I approached where I'd longed to see - the elephant experience, I began to cry. It was nothing like it should be. It was so not right... after seeing how pristine and glorious the elephant sanctuary in TN was, this was down right ghetto comparatively. My tears were masked by my sunglasses so people wouldn't see... but I searched the entire habitat for some ray of hope for those poor creatures. Nothing. Dry, steel structures for their 'shelter', no grasses, no trees... rocks and dirt. No ponds or mud to frolic in - nothing. My heart was broken. It still is...
Ben knew the main reason for going with him was to finally see this place, and with such a disappointing outcome, he graciously left work early and took me to the ocean - the second reason I wanted to go. I'd never been to the ocean, never been in it, or stopped at its edge to view it and all its power... we enjoyed it. Although I have to say, getting a hefty gulp of sea water is not pleasant. Plus, CA waters are cold... that's why they don't get hurricanes over there. The water doesn't allow enough heat to cause storms of that magnitude (another plus for west coast living). I got past my disappointment, and day two was just for me... ocean again, photos, a trip to a completely overpriced mall, and dinner out at an ethiopian restaurant with Ben's coworkers. That was fun, although me and ethiopian food - not so much. Then came the long boring trip home across the country. That's always tough... dead tired from getting up at 4 a.m. in order to make a 6 a.m. flight... sigh. Glad it's over.
For me, a new experience did my soul good... I was happy to have done and seen all that I did, all things considered. I've gained wisdom in knowing I will never work for a zoo in my lifetime. Foolish me thought this place would be different, but alas... it wasn't. And never will be. Bravo on the good work they do with endangered species, but there's great need for improvement all the way around.
Back to reality, and once again feeling dried up and useless. I did come up with an idea after being inspired by a painting that was just such a happy and simple piece - I know I can do the same. I just hope I can pull it off and find success in it. Time will tell. Meanwhile, I'll post photos as I get them ready for computer viewing. It's a beautiful place - sunny, warm, and lovely things growing all the time - flowers, succulents, flowering shrubs, you name it. Color is everywhere. No wonder so many creatives live in that part of the world. It's inspiring. Don't be surprised if I change my mind about moving away... it would be tough, but worth it - at least for a little while. :)
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