Uncertainty is a difficult place to be in a part of your life. I've seen a lot of uncertainty in life lately. Wildfires, war, unrest in marriages, struggling individuals in their own minds. The reality is clear - uncertainty is unacceptable if you're searching for peace.
Currently I'm dealing with friends' issues with uncertainty, as well as my own. The realms range from family realities, friendships, goals, passions, and the like. I tend to take on my friends and family's issues when I'm reached out to. I want to be all I can be for these folks, and I end up burdening my own mental health as a result. It seems similar to the wildfires this year, as this years' fires have been triple what is normally battled. It feels so bleak, but I know the Lord keeps me in His care, under His wings... and I pray He does that for these people of mine as well.
Uncertainty captures our thoughts almost all the time. We dwell, fret, pray, and think of these things while trying to move through our lives. Life is always thwarted by these issues... it isn't as though it isn't normal. Although, as I'm currently seeing, the things being dwelled on and fretted over are more than simply minor issues. They are life changing and quaking realities that they face. One thing I know is that the power of prayer is involved. If only by me, it will go forth in each issue and each life, knowing the Lord is in control, and He has the final say.
As of myself, I have hit a bit of a skid in my artistic and financial certainty. Although I realize my financial security does not exist outside of my partner Ben, I have been feeling successful with the things I've been doing that has increased not only my income but my artistic fluidity. Right now I'm continuing in faith. I do not have any more paying projects on hand, but I believe, with the success I've had online, and the belief of my friends and family, that I will come to a new place of success. I go forward in faith.
My friends and family are on my heart. I pray for their success, their peace, and their answers in the issues they have believed in me to pray over and be a support of. These are major hurdles. Major life changers. Staggeringly so. I have a lighthearted hope for one of these things, which is rare for me. I think it stems from this person's own excitement and enthusiasm. My God will not fail them. My God stands with me in the prayer for the successes of my friends and family. He answers me. He loves me. Whom shall I fear? No. One.
I encourage my readers, vast and staggering they may be... to trust in The Lord for your peace, your answers, your courage. Be blessed because He knows your name. He knows who you are, and what you're dealing with. Don't be discouraged! Be encouraged! He is there!
Please pray for my loved ones. I continue in faith to know His answers are clear, just, and true. Thank you!
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