Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What Our World Is Facing...

I'm seeing so much about wars, rumors of wars, threats, food contaminations, food shortages, environmental issues, the list goes on. What is it that we face as we move forward? I don't think any of us, even experts know. That in and of itself is a scary premise.

We as individuals, and even as a nation, cannot change what we've done to this world. Our nation in particular are far more detrimental to our environment than most other nations combined. Who can we blame? Ourselves. Unfortunately most of us don't face that reality with more than a shrug of the shoulders. Why? What makes us so callous to these realities? Who are we to point fingers, make excuses, or ignore the things that are happening? We are as guilty as anyone in the entire world.

So. What now? How can we as individuals, or as a communal body do to thwart these things that are plaguing our world? Do we care enough to know? I doubt it. We've gone nearly 50 years with the knowledge of several earth issues without any real movement as a body. Our government doesn't care about what detriment we are to our earth. They aren't in tuned to what's happening, and what their decisions are causing. They're out for cash... easy money. Do you know what your governing persons make/have access to? If not, it may be eye opening to you to search google for those things.

The polar bears are starving to death in their natural environment because of the breakdown of the icebergs, the heightening of the oceans, and the limiting of their hunting/living grounds. The poor animals who exist in zoos are hardly a true reality to what our earth has afforded them in the last 25 years. Get yourself some knowledge on these things! You'll be shocked and disappointed to see the realities.

Recycling, narrowing your "carbon footprint" is a lie. You can do only so much. The real detriment is in the big businesses of the world. Oil extraction from the earth and seas... Refinement of ancient sources from our earth... smoke, pollution, exhaust emissions, continued raping of the world's rain forests and natural resources. You can take your pick, they're all causing a real burden on the earth, the people, and the animals of our world. It's all fun and games to save a shelter animal, but truth be told? You're doing more damage than good overall.

Our world has no care for animals unless they can be killed and something ridiculous can be extracted from their beings in order to bring "sexual enhancement" or "health." These are ancient and unproven things that cultures steeped in ancient practices fall back on. Nothing about these things is true. NOTHING. Break free from unfounded realities... it only harms us.

I'm sorry, but this world is valuable, and the people therein. Do what you can to gain ground in the issues of our world. It's an unfathomable reality, but if we spread the word, and practice what we preach, we can make a difference. Be a positive reality in your world! IT MATTERS!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes our world is run by the likes of Bilderberg, The CFR and numerous other elitist organizations. Our political system is WWE Wrestling at best and many other organizations that started out to do the right thing have been co-oped by the same elite's minions. I once was way out in Alex Jones land, but have since recentered over at It centers on self-sufficiency and taking control of the things you can in one's life. Turn off the TV and Main Stream Media. If you need to know anything, people will let you know. Work notonly on connecting with your fellow human,but the quality of that connection.
