Friday, August 9, 2013


I have a new found respect for mothers. My maternal instincts have never been "high" and as of a week ago, I was thrown full-force into motherhood of a 5 week old kitten. I had no idea what it took to take care of an infant... and now I have a new perspective. What a JOB this is! Jenni Ciardi Reed, and Lisa Edwards Tucker, I am a big fan of all you do! It has taken over my life, and has taken my emotions to an entirely new level.

I took this baby from my friend whose daughter found him in a box, alone at the roadside in Albion. I was taken by him, being so small and helpless, never mind abandoned and needy. He stole my heart right away... and has brought me to a new level of emotional and maternal awareness.

From day one he was so needy - underweight, scared, tiny... the vet check on the first day was overwhelming, and he slept quite a bit afterward. He has gone through a lot already... stomach and digestive issues that have forced him awake and in urgent need on an hourly basis overnight and though the days. He's a trouper, and has done very well for such a young life. We've gotten him out of his ailments and brought him to a new stronger level, one that he makes strides in daily. He's now a member of our bed when he's tired (or bored), and climbs quite aggressively where once his nails weren't strong enough to hoist him further than an inch off the floor. He's curious, but not completely agile yet. His gate is awkward and shows his age... he will certainly gain in dexterity and agility as the days pass. This has all happened in one week's time!

I have gone back to work and have had long days away from home in this last week. Ben has been gracious enough to take on the care of this tiny baby while I'm away, and we've both been exhausted in the efforts. I fully appreciate the role of a mother within all of this - it's truly a God given gift. You can't help fall in love with a creature - human or non - to whom you give your all every day, every hour. Those big eyes staring up at you, and his cry of excitement to see you again - it just melts your heart. I can't say as I've ever had quite this experience, although my older cats did come to me as very young, needy kittens. I must have matured over these years, allowing this experience to be even more significant than before.

I realize that not everyone has an affinity for animals like I do, and would question my comparison between a human child and a kitten. All I can say is, in my own world, I have a new appreciation for the dedication and devotion that goes into caring for the young. It's a chore, but in the end, it doesn't feel like it. Kudos to all of my maternal friends!

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