Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What Do You Say?

I've experienced an upswing in discussions about God lately. I've had a few that deal with Jehovah's Witness beliefs. I'm not a knowledgeable enough Christian to feel confident in 'arguing' my position, but most of my discussions weren't arguments. I try to maintain my stand while allowing an attitude of freedom between the parties in the conversation, so as to not squelch a potential for questions to be answered in faith.

It's hard to know what to say sometimes in these conversations. People are searching me for answers, or for what I believe, and I have a very hard time putting things into words. So much of what my faith is resides in my heart and my mind, and rarely gets expressed outwardly. I know that's probably not good... but it's what I am. One thing Ben always says attracted him to me was my steadfastness in my faith - my resoluteness in my beliefs. That goes without saying. I've never wavered on what I believe. It was what I was raised with. I know some may think that I never had opportunity to believe what "I" wanted to believe, but honestly I've had more than enough opportunity to seek out other versions of faith. I've looked into other 'religions' and what they believe, but I've never looked into them with any feeling of need or searching for answers. I have the answers... there's no other truth out there, at least for me. There are times when I think about the people who have a faith like the terrorist extremists. I wonder if their strength in faith is similar to what I feel. I'm sure it has been a part of their lives since birth, and that what they have in their hearts is as strong or stronger than what I have. I can't speak for them, but I understand their position in that I know how strongly I believe in my God.

Anyway, these conversations have been something that sticks with me. I pray over things and pray in the middle of it asking God to shut my mouth and allow His words to be spoken. I don't feel the confidence I would like to, but that will come with continued study and understanding of the Bible. It's a long road, and I'll never stop learning... but that's not a bad thing. As long as I anticipate God's words to be given through me, all I can do is my best.

Do any of you have times when you feel strongly about your position, but can't express it in words enough to feel good about how you've presented your position? It's a struggle for me. I want to be not only a source of God's knowledge and love, but of clear answers about what we as Christians stand for.

Just thinking out loud...

1 comment:

  1. Jordan Maxwell one stated "I don't know what God is. But I know what He isn't." I've thought that ever since. I will say I believe there is something greater than what we know.
    I was handed a catalog that has a range of books in it and one was about the "Pleiadians". To me it looks hokey, but there was a few passages from the book that I seemed to find solace in.
    "What part do you play in this story? The original creator gods are not about to lose that which they created. Do you think they are going to give up so easily? You are all members of the Family of Light. Even though you may not be aware of it yet, you volunteered to come back to Earth at this time to assist in the transition."

    Why this was comforting, I am not sure, but I know I liked the idea about there being more out there and having volunteered to be on Earth at this specific time.
