Monday, January 23, 2012


Lately when I open up on the subject of 'me' I realize that there are a lot of things going on, and none of them are at a point where a decision can be made, or where I feel good about it. I described my status in life as being very 'gray' today, and it really is... no answers, more questions, less security, more uncertainty.

What makes a good life good? What makes life full color, and not monochromatic? How do you add color to a life and focus on the brilliant rather than get drawn down into the gray abyss of it all? Please feel free to offer thoughts. Is it what you spend your time dwelling on - refusing to stand by and let the gray bleed into your mind? Is it what you spend money and time on - going outside yourself and focusing on others and their needs? I've tried that, and it continues to add to my gray world. Doing good for others, praying for their healing and success... only to watch as they fall into the gray abyss with me, or not even try to make things better for themselves. The fear of trying has plagued so many of us... the grip of fear is a strong one, and can't be overcome by anyone else but the person who despairs within it. Prayer in these situations seems futile and vague. As if no one hears them, and no one cares.

What makes my life 'good' - or, what made it good in the past? Strong friendships? Strong love? God? Success? Honestly I don't remember. Day by day things happen, and you put out the fires as you're able... but does that equal success in life? When looking back on life, can someone feel successful even if the daily struggles seem to have sapped every ounce of strength in getting to that point? What makes someone feel content with their lives, even through the lack of financial security, lack of family connection, and a strong feeling of failure in a career path? Should being here for others' sake be what we take away from this life? And should that be the only thing we take away?

I have a lot of questions, but very few answers... hence, gray.

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